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Virtual Racer Entry Instructions

You’re probably wondering how to participate in a virtual 5K event. We are so happy to be able to offer a way for people across the globe to participate. Here’s how you can join:


Choose a route: you can do the walk/run on a treadmill, or map out a route around your neighbourhood – however/wherever you want!


Now, there are two different options for those who are participating.


If you plan to compete in the race, you can complete your route ahead of time,

or you can choose to walk/run on June 19th after the opening ceremony with us. 



  1. Use your treadmill stats, Fitbit, apple watch or a mobile app that times/tracks your route to determine how you did. However far you go is awesome, but only those who go a full 5K will be considered for the Top 3. You can do multiple takes, but please only send us one result (i.e. your best time).

  2. Submit your run by emailing your results to This can be done by exporting and emailing or taking a screenshot/photo of the route/time you ran. It must show us the mileage and end time to be included in the overall race stats.)


  3. DEADLINE TO SUBMIT YOUR RACE RESULTS: Monday, June 20, 5pm, 2022.
    (No entries past this date will be able to be included in the event.)

If you end up in the Top 3, we will mail you a medal and prize. Regardless of whether you make the Top 3, all entrants will be entered to win additional door prizes.

How to submit virtually:


What to submit:


How to track your run:

Step 1: Starting on your Fitbit's main screen, swipe left. Press Exercise.

Step 2: Press run. Press Start. Press the Play button.

Step 3: Run!

Step 4: When you've finished your run, squeeze the side of the Fitbit twice and press finish. Scroll down and press the checkmark.

Step 5: On your smartphone, go to the Fitbit app and pull down to refresh.

Step 6: Scroll down to find and click on your run. Click on the run you plan to submit.

Step 7: Take a screenshot of your stats (must show time and distance) by pressing the power button and volume button down at the same time. (For IPhone)

Step 7: Go to your Photos app and click on the screenshot you just took. Press the button on the bottom left of the screen (arrow pointing upwards). Select Mail. 

Step 8: In the "To" field, type in In the Subject Field, type "Race submission" along with your name. 

Step 9: Press the arrow in the top righthand corner to send.

Step 10: Cross your fingers that you win! :)

NOTE: Race stats must be submitted by Thursday, October 14th to be considered.

Watch a video tutorial:


What to submit:


How to track your run:

Step 1: Select workout app from Home Screen or go to App Library.

Step 2: Tap the 3 dots on outdoor run.

Step 3: Select distance (set to 5.00km) Then press start!

Step 4: Run!

Step 5: When you've finished your route, swipe right and press End.

Step 6: On your smartphone, go to the Fitness app.Go to "Show More". Click on the run you plan to submit.

Step 7: Take a screenshot of your stats (must show time and distance) by pressing the power button and volume button down at the same time. (For IPhone)

Step 8: Go to your Photos app and click on the screenshot you just took. Press the button on the bottom left of the screen (arrow pointing upwards). Select Mail. 

Step 9: In the "To" field, type in In the Subject Field, type "Race submission" along with your name. 

Step 10: Press the arrow in the top righthand corner to send.

Step 11: Cross your fingers that you win! :)

NOTE: Race stats must be submitted by Thursday, October 14th to be considered.

Watch a video tutorial:

Need help or have questions? Send us an email at

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